202 vision means great eyesight. How can I see clear of the things Almighty God wants in the year of 2020? The first step is to let me go completely everything I have thought of me and allow my vision to focus more on the things Almighty God want in me and for me. To pray more and study his word more so I can obey him more. If I focus more on the things of God I will become more like his son Jesus who only wanted to please his father daily. 202 is a year to see more of spiritual things than natural things but it takes a well made up mind each day to reach such a wonderful goal for my life. The spiritual life may cause some unpleasant feelings because trial will come. Yet, if I endure my trials I will be bless, my family will be bless, and those around me will be bless. It is worth it all and he will call me his own.