Traveling far from home can reframe our perspectives on the world, ourselves, and our faith. But more than the places we go, the people we surround ourselves with, and the stories we share with one another, will profoundly shape our lives.

Country singer/songwriter and author Stephanie Quayle shares her journey from growing up in Montana to traveling to Switzerland and California before settling in Nashville. Tragic loss in a plane crash compelled her to confront grief and forgiveness, shaping both her life and her music and ultimately, strengthening her faith. We’ll also hear from Anna Broadway, an author who traveled the globe to gain new perspectives on singleness in the church, advocating for a more inclusive and understanding approach. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Glo Atanmo

Upcoming interview: Willie Robertson

Jesus Calling for Moms 

Grace for the Moment for Moms

Jesus Calling for Graduates 

Not That Fancy audiobook


Stephanie Quayle


On the Edge

Why Do We Stay?


Anna Broadway

Solo Planet


Interview Quotes:

“I had so many questions of God; why? Why would You let this happen to me?” - Stephanie Quayle

“I went into the water one way and I came out different. It was immediate. I'd already been forgiven by God; I didn't get that forgiveness of myself until that moment.” - Stephanie Quayle 

“What I love about country music is its storytelling and it’s a very simple version when it comes to complex conversations. I think that sometimes in the way I structure my songs, I can take something that's very heavy and give it a little bit more softness around the edges.” - Stephanie Quayle 

“Forgiveness, that is such a powerful word. Because you only get forgiveness through faith.” - Stephanie Quayle 

“We need each other to be different, but we have to figure out how to love and support each other in our differences.” - Anna Broadway 

“When you do study the Bible for yourself, I think that's the first and most important place to see, Wow, singleness is not necessarily what I make of it.” - Anna Broadway 

“When we reshape our narrative for life from one that's about finding a relationship or not, and having children or not, to one that's about following Jesus and seeking first God's kingdom, it really changes how we think about singleness.” - Anna Broadway 

“God can show up where you think it's almost impossible. There is no limit to how and where God can meet us.” - Anna Broadway 


Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

Audio Episodes: 

Bonus Podcasts: 

Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer: 

Peace for Everyday Life: 

Peace in Uncertain Times: 

What’s Good? 



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