Many of us have had a moment in our lives that define us as people and as servants of God—and sometimes that moment comes at a fork in the road. Which path will you take? The one you’ve worked hard for and the world tells you you should want? Or the one God wants you to take? It’s almost guaranteed that every time you decide to take the Lord’s path, you will encounter mountains of blessings that you’d never have expected. ABC News reporter Paula Faris was at the height of her career when she faced a devastating series of tragedies that forced her to slow down and recognize that God was calling her to go in another direction. Former NFL lineman Jason Brown had worked hard to make his way up the football ladder, eventually becoming the highest-paid center in the sport. It seemed he had everything he wanted, but the luxurious lifestyle he pursued took his focus off his family and marriage which began to suffer, causing him to reassess what he really wanted out of life. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Sarah Young

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Zim Flores

Upcoming interview: Jamie Kern Lima, IT Cosmetics


Paula Faris

Morning Star Christian Community

Good Morning America Weekend

The View

Joshua 5-6 NIV

Journeys of Faith at ABC 

Faith & Calling Podcast

The Paula Faris Show

Called Out


Jason Brown

First Fruits Farm

Lunsford Bernard Brown II

UNC Chapel Hill

2005 NFL draft 



Interview Quotes:

“And at the end of the day, I think what's most important is that we don't get caught up in the differences, but that we can unite on some of the main tenets of the Bible...the most important thing at the end of the day is that if we are Christians, they'll know it by our love for one another.” - Paula Faris 

“I think we owe it to not only ourselves, but we owe it to unbelievers to have a reason for the hope that is within us.” - Paula Faris

“Trying to keep a positive mindset when you're in that valley, when you're circling that city, that this is where the growth is happening and God is getting ready to start a new chapter and write a new chapter in your life.” - Paula Faris

“I don't want to just have five, ten minutes out of the day where I'm talking to God, I try to talk to God throughout my day, and I'm the type of person where I need encouragement throughout the day. So for me, it's a daily conversation. God is always by my side.” - Paula Faris

“Once you ask the spirit to come into your life and to allow you to see things in a new way, you will. And it'll transform your relationship with God. It will transform your belief in God, it’ll transform the way that you see God. And you'll start seeing Him in the sunsets across the sky. You'll start to hear Him in the voices of loved ones and in the faces of loved ones. And you'll feel Him in that gentle breeze and you'll hear Him speaking softly in the depths of your spirit.” - Paula Faris

“What do you want people to truly remember you by at the end of your life?” - Jason Brown

“Everybody on the outside thought that we were this picture perfect family, but on the inside, behind closed doors, we weren't. We were still going to church every single Sunday, and we knew the talk and the lingo of how to put on the fakeness and the front of being a good Christian. Right? But when we left church and came back home, you know, there was no true mission. There was no true obedience to Christ.” - Jason Brown

“Because of my success and my pride in sports and football, it developed an arrogance that I thought I was strong enough and smart enough to be in control and to fight hard enough in my flesh and figure this thing out. And Jesus simply told me that there's nothing that you can do in and of yourself that can bring about the faithfulness that He desires for me.” - Jason Brown


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