The world is a noisy, chaotic place. At any given moment, there are countless voices shouting at us, trying to command our attention. But we can find peace when we train ourselves to mute those voices and listen to the only One who matters: God. Pop singer Ally Brooke rode a rollercoaster of highs and lows during her stint in the iconic girl group Fifth Harmony, and over time she felt her voice was drowned out by the demands of the music industry on the group. After branching out as a solo artist, Ally began to uncover her authentic self, thanks in part to the strong foundation of faith her tight-knit Mexican American family helped her build, which she talks about in her brand-new book Finding Your Harmony. Podcaster and author Jamie Ivey knows all about comparison culture, and how it always seems the grass is greener on the other side. But she’s learned a new phrase that’s set her free: You Be You. Now she shares how to utilize the gifts God has given you, and that it’s how you use your influence—not how large it is—that really makes a difference. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith television show on Circle TV

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Note-taking edition of Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Past guests: Morgan Harper Nichols, Kel Mitchell

Upcoming guests: Casey Beathard, CJ Beathard, Tucker Beathard

TV show host: Lauren Alaina


Ally Brooke

Fifth Harmony

Finding Your Harmony

The X Factor


Jamie Ivey

You Be You


Interview Quotes:

“Number one in our house is God and Jesus. And having that type of foundation in my life has completely changed everything for me.” - Ally Brooke

“When I took a beating from the music industry, being in Fifth Harmony and the real challenges that came my way afterwards too, God was right there to say, ‘Trust me. I have a plan for you and I'm here with you. You're not alone. We're going to get through this together.’” - Ally Brooke

“I'll have my days where maybe I'm going through something or I'm sad or I have a ton of anxiety or I have a ton of worry or doubt. And Jesus Calling, through that devotion, I'm able to silence those thoughts and those worries and to help put them at ease.” - Ally Brooke

"It takes a lot of spiritual maturity to say, 'I'm very thankful for the people I'm having lunch with. And I'm going to spend my life doing whatever God wants for me right where I am, and not constantly look at the other table wondering what they're doing.'" - Jamie Ivey

“I started recognizing so many moments of people wishing that they had a different life, a “better” life, her life. And I noticed that they were missing the moments that God had created for them.” - Jamie Ivey

“There's this idea that you begin to matter and what you have to say begins to matter when a lot of people are listening. And I just want to encourage people that believing that lie keeps people paralyzed and not doing the things God's asked them to do.” - Jamie Ivey

“Every one that God's put in front of you matters. And we don't need to put our eyes on what we hope to happen five, ten years down the road, because we will waste a lot of time wishing for something we don't have.” - Jamie Ivey

“If the only thing I was looking at and noticing was other people's lives, then I would struggle to think that my life mattered and my voice was enough.” - Jamie Ivey

"We can yearn for the day we don't have to wear a mask and we can go back to 'normal.' But we can also be in the moment and go, 'What do You have for me right here where I am?'" - Jamie Ivey


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