One of the hardest parts of our Christian walk is to make that walk consistent, especially in the storms of life. But today’s guests, pastor Rich Wilkerson, Jr. and entertainers David & Tamela Mann, have found when they draw near to God, especially when they’re in the valley, He remains faithful to us. And in fact, God’s presence gives us the strength to keep going so we can perform one of our highest callings: to nurture relationships with the people around us and fill them with His love.


Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling devotional

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Calling June Prayer Calendar

Rich Wilkerson, Jr.  (Facebook)

Vous Church

Rich Wilkerson book, Friend of Sinners: Why Jesus Cares More About Relationship Than Perfection

David Wilkerson book, The Cross and the Switchblade

The Cross and the Switchblade movie trailer

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

David and Tamela Mann (Facebook)

David and Tamela Mann book, Us Against the World: Our Secrets to Love, Marriage, and Family

The Manns television reality show

Kirk Franklin & The Family

Tyler Perry


Interview Quotes:

“[Our time at  VOUS church] has been an amazing three years, getting to see people's lives changed and transformed by the message of Jesus.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“I'm just thankful for the heritage [to] know so many things that have happened in my life are because I stand on the shoulders of the giants in the faith [who] have gone before me.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“From a young age, I was always very sensitive towards God. I knew I loved God, and I knew that God loved me. I don't think I was always sure how I fit in. I didn't really see how I was going to play my part.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“I think so often in church, we're so good at talking about things after the miracle happens. I think we need more people to be open when they're actually in the midst of pain.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“Many times we don't allow ourselves to be honest with God in our pain, in our worry, in our fear to ever discover that He's actually right there with us.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“When it comes to God, there are certain things you can't learn on the mountaintop. You actually have to learn it in the valley.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

”Storms either have a way of pushing you away from God, or you can choose to allow your storm to push you towards God.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“Ultimately the way that you view God is going to dictate how you receive and communicate with God.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“I want people to hear the truth, that the gospel is good news, that God is not mad at you. He’s madly in love with you.” - Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

“In any marriage you're gonna have some challenges, [but] you have to make up your mind that you love each other enough to fight for each other.” - Tamela Mann

“Singing was our passion, it was our heart.” - Tamela Mann

“I'm just so happy to be able to share my gift and to be where we are today. We take no credit. All glory goes to God.” - Tamela Mann

“[Jesus Calling] gives you some practical things I can take home [and go,] ‘Oh okay, I can do that.’” - David Mann

“People won't judge you on your perfection. They'll judge you on your consistency.” - David Mann

“We just want to let people know there is still hope. Our Savior still lives.” - David Mann


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