We’re able to share our hearts and to love others because God chose to love us first. Today’s guests, Joseph “Rev Run” Simmons of RUN-D.M.C. and his wife Justine, along with evangelist and founder of Think Eternity Matt Brown share how they’ve learned to develop qualities of pure, selfless love and how this love has profoundly changed their lives. When he was at the height of his music career, Rev Run couldn’t ignore the void inside him, and it wasn’t until he discovered Jesus that he finally felt whole. He and Justine share their marriage secrets and what it takes to make a relationship work (spoiler alert: put God first!). There’s one nagging thought that keeps Matt Brown up at night: how will the world ever feel God’s love if Christians don’t accurately represent it? If we want to experience the full love that God has for each of us and spread that love to others, we need to set our intentions of seeking that love daily.

Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Sarah Young

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Calling book
Jesus Calling for Kids, Girls Edition devotional



Patti Callahan Henry

Becoming Mrs. Lewis book

Rev Run & Justine Simmons

Old School Love: And Why It Works book
Joseph "Rev Run" Simmons

God, Can You Hear Me? Children’s book
Rolling Stone Magazine


Matt Brown

Think Eternity

Truth Plus Love: The Jesus Way to Influence book


Interview Quotes:

”It's just funny how you can visualize and set your intentions, and things just come to pass.” - Rev Run

“There's this void that success and money can't fill.” - Rev Run

“You’d think that making hit records or money or cars or fame or people saying, "Oh, you're the greatest," people praising you for making your music would do it. But actually, when you start praising God, that's when you get happy.” - Rev Run 

“I love [my husband] so much, but I love God more.” - Justine Simmons

“Spending and dedicating time with God leads to a better hearing ear.” - Rev Run

“Enjoying each other's company is probably a big part of staying together.” - Rev Run

“God has a way of making it clear to us where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do. . . . To grow in the Lord, and to reflect God to the world around us, we need both truth and love.” - Matt Brown

“How is the world supposed to see the grace of God if the people of God are not gracious?” - Matt Brown


Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel:

Audio podcast: https://bit.ly/2uCnNM0 

Original Series video podcast: https://bit.ly/2WzFY0O 



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