Have you ever felt pulled towards something, but you’re not sure what? Maybe God was nudging you to pursue the calling He has for you. Artist Anne Neilson, famous for her angel paintings, has felt those nudges all throughout her life, starting when she was a little girl and knew she was meant to be an artist. Now looking back, Anne can see God’s fingerprints all over her life, and how He shaped her art into a ministry beyond what she ever imagined, including the inspiration to write a new devotional called Anne Neilson’s Angels. Nikki Speer, founder of the nonprofit Redefined Courage, has watched many women in her family battle with breast cancer. When Nikki noticed that her mom—the woman she’d always seen as the most radiant in the room—no longer felt beautiful, she realized God was prompting her toward a new calling: to design clothing for women dealing with breast cancer that was not only comfortable and allowed them to heal, but also helped them feel confident in their fight. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith television show

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling Devotional

Jesus Calling Magazine

Jesus Calling for Kids

Past guest: Delilah

Upcoming guest: Michael and Zina Goodin of Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary


Episode sponsor: Operation Christmas Child 

Build a shoebox for a child online at Samaritan’s Purse.org/occ


Anne Neilson

Anne Nielson's Angels: Devotions and Art to Encourage, Refresh, and Inspire

Steven Curtis Chapman

Kathie Lee Gifford

Nikki Speer

Redefined Courage

Breast cancer



Interview Quotes:

“There were times that I really questioned, Is this what God has called me to do?”  - Anne Neilson

“God has put these people in my path. He weaves us all together, and it's for a purpose that we might not even know.” - Anne Neilson

“Words are powerful—the words that come out of our mouth, the words that are spoken to our friends, our children, our colleagues, our employees, to ourselves.“ - Anne Neilson

“These angels do bring comfort and healing through the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit, through art. God is the master Artist. He is the master Creator.” - Anne Neilson

“We were walking out of the mall, and I made the bold promise that I would design clothing for [my mom] so that she could feel beautiful.” - Nikki Speer 

“This is not a, ‘Man, I drew this sticky note, and this amazing thing was created.’ There were a lot of samples, and there was a lot of learning and growing and changing and mistakes, but a lot of God working.” - Nikki Speer

“When I was growing up, my mom would tell me, ‘You should always leave a conversation knowing more about the other person than they know about you.’” - Nikki Speer

“I have these What if? moments that well up inside of me. But in quietness and trust truly is my strength. And those What if? moments become my Even if... moments with God.” - Nikki Speer 

“I really do believe that if you are feeling right now--a nudge or a calling or prompting from God, that you should go for it. I have always said that it was in the obedience I found the blessing.” - Nikki Speer


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