[Special Series] Parenting expert Dr. Meg Meeker joins our Peace in Uncertain Times series to share ways we can give our fears about COVID to Christ and guide our children well, despite the turmoil of this season. Meg reminds us that we can be free of the pressure to be a perfect parent and instead be one that our kids truly need: by seeking ways to be peaceful and finding the simple joys in this time. (PLUS some handy tips on how to handle the kids when they are fighting!!) 

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Meg Meeker





See more videos around finding Peace for Uncertain Times on YouTube.com/JesusCalling Book






Interview Quotes:


“Trusting God and giving God our fears so that we can be relaxed enough and laugh is a tough thing to do.” - Meg Meeker


“I think it's important just to be honest with your kids...sit down and talk to your kids very truthfully...it's your job as a mom or dad to sort of take charge and make everything OK for them.” - Meg Meeker speaking in regards to parents working together to calm a child’s concerns during the COV-19 pandemic

“It's really important when you see your kids fighting to give them a plan, an alternate plan to fighting and let them know that anger and frustration is what triggers the fighting. So whenever they feel that anger and frustration, they now know what to do instead of fighting with their sibling. ” - Meg Meeker

“Parents, guilt will rob you of your joy.” - Meg Meeker

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