For decades, Melinda Gates and Dr. Tony Evans have empowered women and men to reach for lives of dignity and hope. Since she and her husband Bill began their foundation in 2000, Melinda has been working tirelessly to improve the lives of women and children worldwide. And in that time, she’s seen when you lift up a woman, she lifts up everyone else. She’s written about her experiences in her new book The Moment of Lift. Dr. Evans believes God wants every man to be a world changer, and in order to do so, he needs to take responsibility for his life and his actions. He shares how an ordinary man can become extraordinary in his new film Kingdom Men Rising.


Links, Products and Resources:

Melinda Gates book, The Moment of Lift Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Tony Evans documentary film, Kingdom Men Rising Tony Evans’ The Urban Alternative


Jesus Calling 365 Day Devotional Book Jesus Calling Daily Email


Interview Quotes:

“We have this need as human beings to connect to one another.” - Melinda Gates


“If you lift up a woman, she lifts up everyone else.” - Melinda Gates


“I spend quiet time every morning. That's where I find my soul and my inspiration, and where I focus closely on who is it that I want to be in the world.” - Melinda Gates


“Men have to be willing for God to tell them what to do in their personal life, in their family life, their church life, and in their civic life.” - Dr. Tony Evans


“The way a man leads his family best is around the table—praying and blessing, guidance, correcting—he does all that at the table.” - Dr. Tony Evans



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