[Special Series] Dawn Barton is author of Laughing Through the Ugly Cry, and her personal journey through traumatic experiences have led her to believe that the obstacles in our lives should not beat us down, but give us reasons to more fully embrace joy wherever we can find it. In this edition of Peace for Uncertain Times, Dawn gives us tips on how to create joy in lives--even during difficult seasons.


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Dawn Barton 

Laughing Through the Uglly Cry: ..and Finding Unstoppable Joy

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Interview Quotes:

“I am a woman who loves to spread the message of joy.” - Dawn Barton 

“It was in those seasons of heartache that I learn what joy felt like.” - Dawn Barton

“Even though I turned from Him [God], He never turned away from me..He had me always in the palm of His hand.” - Dawn Barton 

“Great things can come from horrible, traumatic times.” - Dawn Barton

“There’s a moment, a pivot point, when we come out of any situation where we get to make a choice of what’s the next part of the story.” - Dawn Barton

“Positivity and joy do not just happen...they are something we have to work at day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute sometimes.” - Dawn Barton

“I promise you wherever there is heartache, there are immeasurable amounts of joy.” - Dawn Barton

“Joy is a choice. Joy is God, God is joy.” - Dawn Barton

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