When most of us think of the word “currency,” we immediately think money. Yet there are many currencies in this world -  social, physical, creative. 

In my experience, I’ve discovered a new currency, whose three elements are critical to not just surviving, but thriving, in our complex, swiftly evolving world. 

By mastering this new mental OS, you’ll find yourself tapping into your own intuitive clarity, sensing the ever expanding opportunities around you, and effortlessly taking action on your inspired ideas. 


1:22 - There are many forms of currency in this world - money is just one. 

3:50 - Accessing all these currencies (social, physical, creative, etc) is a wonderful skill of human consciousness. 

4:35 - Technological advances (AI, robotics, nanotechnology, etc) are increasingly going to make humans obsolete in all mechanical/technical tasks. We need a new paradigm

6:30 - The mysterious currency that great men and women have been tapping into throughout human history. 

8:49 - As world becomes more complex, we need an upgraded mental OS to flourish

9:48 - There’s a new currency that’s evolving in human consciousness that we are increasingly gaining access to - new modes of thinking and living. There are three levels of this currency. 

10:48 - Sensing your own intuition (the first element of the new currency).

14:32 - Sharpening your intuition into inspiration (the second element of the new currency). 

20:52 - Setting your inspiration free in the world with adaptability (the third element of the new currency).

23:42 - When I began tapping into my own intuition. 

27:02 - When I started acting on the inspiration of my new desires and created radical changes in my life

29:15 - How you can begin channeling the new currency and what you might discover along this path. 

35:00 - Leveraging the new currency to continually expand your opportunities and impact in the world. 

36:23 - Conclusion