JLP Tue 6-18-24 I want my country back. Work on you. Experts: Make women feel safe?

Hr 1 My country's over: Porch thief! Fake: Manager fires late black employee. Calls: Rapture? Draft news debunked.
Hr 2 Calls: Trump. Anger, your enemy. Why work on yourself? Super Chats. Tampa PD LGBT badge. "Living free," off the grid.
Hr 3 Call: Police de-escalation? Experts: Sadia Khan Psychology: Look after women. Nurture men. Call: Is Jesus a god?

(0:00:00) HOUR 1: Country & Western Tuesday
(0:06:50) Battle in you; car crash thrill; US is over; vets; seeing; JLP in USA
(0:24:40) Porch thief: Third world! This is not my America! BREAK
(0:34:10) Fake? White Macy's manager fires black female: not on black time
(0:42:00) JOSEPH, CA (1st) EBT dependence? Judgment Day, Rapture?
(0:50:25) MESSIAH, CA (1st) military draft story debunked
(0:54:50) Hake News
(1:00:50) HOUR 2
(1:04:20) Back to MESSIAH: Trump under attack
(1:06:15) JIM, MD: Who's my true enemy? Angry friend
(1:13:50) MERL, VA (1st) Abolish Civil Rights, he's black
(1:17:00) BEN, CO: Turn the other cheek? Not working on myself. BREAK
(1:34:05) Super Chats: JLP fit, Turks, RIP Azz, eyepatch, BQ works of the flesh
(1:44:51) BEN, Canada: Trump losing case?
(1:46:15) My country's gone: Tampa PD's LGBT badge.
(1:51:10) Living free, off the grid, Appalachia farmer finds a gf
(1:55:00) Hake News
(2:01:00) HOUR 3
(2:04:00) AJAY, UT: Police brutality? De-escalation? Mental health?
(2:09:10) Experts: Sadia Khan: Look after women!
(2:19:15) JLP: Keeping woman in hell, for sex/fear! Ego! "Undependent." God.
(2:25:20) Experts: "Nurture men," BREAK
(2:32:35) Experts: Sadia Khan, Tom Bilyeu: Women submit naturally?
(2:37:35) JLP: Submit without criteria. Sadia's dumb! Experts last word
(2:45:05) ROBERT, NM: BQ. Enoch: I thought Jesus was God! Sinner?
(2:52:20) Super Chats: BQ: Works of the flesh, Leave it blank
(2:55:05) Closing