JLP Thu 6-27-24 In all things, wait and see. Marjorie Greene: Trump is like Jesus! Chicken dumplings!

Hr 1 Be anxious for nothing. Marjorie Green! … Daughter's softball coach problems.

Hr 2 MTG again. Supers… Calls… Stop thinking. Drop all ideas. Live a life of "wait and see."

Hr 3 Calls… Tony: Adopted child "slaves," evil! African, Serbian callers… Same spirit! A change gonna come!

Biblical Question: Why is evil able to work with you?

(0:00:00) HOUR 1
(0:04:10) Bible Thumper Thursday
(0:06:55) Debate tonight: Have no expectation. No streaming rights!
(0:15:50) JLP: Christians lost in imagination call Christ God
(0:19:15) Mama at Gen Z job interviews; Tim Scott's fiancée
(0:25:20) MTG agrees: Trump, like Jesus!
(0:31:20) Praise the Lord! Christians as bad as non-Christians: Hate
(0:32:50) MTG: Trump, Jesus, convicted felons! Reaction
(0:40:00) DENNY, Bulgaria: Grandma died. The witch!
(0:43:05) RUBEN, IN (1st) conflict w/ daughter's softball coach
(0:53:05) Supers: Women not sex objects; NEWS
(1:01:05) HOUR 2
(1:03:15) Bible Thumper Thursday: You can be free. Perfect peace.
(1:07:00) MTG; Supers: Women need father's love; Eyeball; Truth; WHM
(1:21:55) Chicken dumplings OMG
(1:23:40) JOSH, GA: BQ; Stop seeking thrills, stop thinking. BREAK
(1:33:00) IGOR, AZ: BQ, Recognizing Christ within. 24hr silence?
(1:37:50) HUMBERTO, NJ: Trump VP to debate Kamala? 10 Commandments
(1:41:45) Lay down expectations. Live a life of wait and see!
(1:43:50) PETE, AK, re: Josh. "Grandma Hake," Chicken dumplings; Song
(1:49:55) TONY, CA: white couple adopted "slaves"? Biden gonna win. HOLD
(1:54:55) NEWS
(2:00:55) HOUR 3… BQ: Know thyself!
(2:04:35) TONY, children working
(2:09:40) GUY, Burundi (1st) Life changing. Question about a girl
(2:16:40) Truth the same everywhere
(2:17:40) CHRISTINE, NM (1st) on BQ, evil working in you
(2:25:35) John 14: 12, Greater things shall you do… BREAK
(2:34:20) JLP sings: Men/women diverging politically (Harvard youth poll)
(2:40:40) NEMANJA, Serbia (1st) changed life! BQ: Excuses. Psychologist!
(2:47:35) Skype counseling, Guatemala: Problem/solution the same!
(2:52:55) Supers: sons of God? Women's monthly
(2:55:35) Closing: Possessed with evil, go and forgive