JLP Hr 3  Great calls! Tongues. Marriage. …
Daniel in Baltimore, MD (1st), age 19, recently learned how to speak in tongues. He forgave his mother. He's in college living with mama! Beta! Trying to get an internship and earn money in tech so he can make beaucoup money ("bookoo") lol… Stay with the Silent Prayer. He answers the BQ: Why are we supposed to care…?  //  
Michael in CT (1st) issues with 24-year marriage. His mother knew why he forgave. Forgave father. Peace came over. Fantastic. Thank you. Prays morning and night. Pornography gone in 5 years, no desire… 4 children. Wife highly educated (Laughs), kinda happened since he married her. Associates, Bachelors, Masters. Why'd you let that happen? Does she obey you? No. She is a good mother, though. Why'd you marry her? Stumped. Deceived. Started in Hell. … 3 weeks ago she met up with a man after work to discuss her marriage; she'd dated this man in high school. Lied to him. I've lost my temper. I'm spending more time with her now. She's not a baby. Why? She's taking control of you. She's keeping score. … Let it go. It's a woman thing, not a man thing. …. Counseling… You can't have feelings before the thoughts. The emotions confirm the thoughts. You're not catching them….  //  
Christmas presents for JLP and Hake from Sho Sugino, Sweet Potato Pie(?) cookie from Hassan, and amazin' snacks from Elizabeth — thanks!  //  Super Chats… SHORT MATERIAL: What should a Christian wife do given a husband who turned to Islam? JLP: Watch your head! (laughter) But stay on the path…  and other supers  //  Lashawn from FL (1st) has a great-sounding call…