Lead Story:
Taylor Swift attacks Donald Trump over mail in voting.
Tending Stories:
21:19 Judge orders father to pay for sons sex change
29:14 PA school teaches white supremacy
40:24 Michigan rejects dead voter ballots
48:49 Nba worker fired over Kamala Harris meme
53:50 Wrong Trump trends on twitter
56:05 Austin Texas defunds police

Link to Sex change story

Did you know?
Episode #28 is our second longest show

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#usps #backtheblue #taylorswift

Lead Story:

Taylor Swift attacks Donald Trump over mail in voting.

Tending Stories:

21:19 Judge orders father to pay for sons sex change

29:14 PA school teaches white supremacy

40:24 Michigan rejects dead voter ballots

48:49 Nba worker fired over Kamala Harris meme

53:50 Wrong Trump trends on twitter

56:05 Austin Texas defunds police

Link to Sex change story


Did you know?

Episode #28 is our second longest show

Connect with JESS SAY IT!:

Website: https://www.jsipodcast.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSIPODCAST/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jsipodcast/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JSIPODCAST

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNVFg135nQteE9vyazoPwA

Podcast: http://www.jsipodcastlink.com

#usps #backtheblue #taylorswift

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