#FreeAssange #FreeAssangeTelethon


1:45-2:00 p.m. ET: Nathan Fuller of the Assange Defense Committee

2:00-3:00 p.m. ET: John Kiriakou, Medea Benjamin, and Kevin Gosztola

3:00-4:00 p.m. ET: Lee Camp, Rania Khalek, and Ron Placone

4:00-5:00 p.m. ET: Justin Jackson, Kate Willett, and Jordan Chariton

5:00-6:00 p.m. ET: Norman Solomon, Marjorie Cohn, and Shahid Buttar

6:00-7:00 p.m. ET: Chris Hedges & Margaret Kimberley


📞 Directory of Representatives: house.gov/representatives

📞 Department of Justice Comment Line: 202-353-1555

📞 Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.

Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information. The prosecution of Assange creates a dangerous precedent that will prevent journalists from holding our government accountable.

Please protect our First Amendment and drop the case against Assange immediately.

Thank you for your time.


✉️ Department of Justice Email Form: https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice


My name is [NAME] and I’m writing from [CITY]. I’m writing to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.

As you know, President Obama’s Justice Department decided not to extradite Assange on the grounds that what he did is protected by the First Amendment. Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s extraordinary attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information.

If President Biden follows through on this unprecedented assault on our constitutional rights, I believe that it will establish a dangerous standard that can be used to target and subdue journalists from holding our government accountable. Furthermore, as the ACLU has noted, “prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public's interest.”

The freedom to practice adversarial journalism is one of our most sacred American rights, and the prosecution of Julian Assange will directly undermine the purpose of our First Amendment.

Please drop your case against Assange immediately.



For more ways to help Julian, please visit: AssangeDefense.org

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"In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell