Welcome to the Soul Streaker podcast! Im your host Jena Jake.
If you are sick and tired and are ready to break-up with yourself or you find yourself in the midst of a life changing event and feel lost . You have come to the right place!
Are you ready to change? I know how scary it can be. The good news is that small changes have a big impact and not only add up but gives you confidence when the opportunity for bigger changes come along! You have everything inside of you to have the life that you have dreamed of you. You just need to trust yourself and me to get you there. I have had a ton of heartache in my life. I have have learned that playing victim is not going to get me what I want or a remedy for anything. There truly is a better way!  Thank you for joining me on this journey.  This podcast is a gift you give to yourself. What are you waiting for?
Find me www.jenajake.com OR instagram @Jena.Jake
If you are suffering from a break up? Wanna handle it like a boss?
click here I have a FREE gift for you 
