Synopsis: “Problems affect Jem and The Holograms when Shana leaves to pursue a career as fashion designer for actress, Liz Stratton. The Holograms decide to host a Talent Search to […]

Synopsis: “Problems affect Jem and The Holograms when Shana leaves to pursue a career as fashion designer for actress, Liz Stratton. The Holograms decide to host a Talent Search to find a new drummer. News of this spreads like fire which also catches the attention of The Misfits.”

Summary: Episode 27 is written by Christy Marx.

We open with Shana presenting a dress, which she designed and made for one of the Starlight girls. Shana almost forgets to go to Jem and the Holograms practice session and leaves.

The Holograms get together to practice a new song, but when asks someone else to take over the drums because she wants to play guitar, no one else is up to the task. Anthony Julian barges in before the band gets a chance to get started. Anthony has some exciting news for Shana: He wants her to put on her best dress, because actress Liz Stratton is looking for a new fashion designer and wants to see her designs right away. Shana doesn’t feel confident enough about her abilities, but the rest of the Holograms encourage her to go anyway.

Jerrica, Kimber, and Aja discuss what they’re going to do about the Holograms’ upcoming tour. If Shana accepts Liz Stratton’s job offer, they’ll need to find a new drummer.

At Liz Stratton’s home, Shana’s designs are met with a positive response. With a six month long shooting schedule in three different countries, is Shana up to the task?

Liz Stratton: Marvellous! Exactly the blend of elegance and boldness I’ve been looking for. Anthony, hire her immediately.

Shana: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.

Liz: Of course you can’t, dear.

Shana seems torn between her loyalty and obligations to Jem and the Holograms, and pursing her passion of becoming a successful fashion designer. Liz stipulates that if she accepts the job, she will have to forgo drumming duties for the Holograms. This is clearly a big decision to make, and Shana is only given until later that night to accept the job or not. On the way home, Shana contemplates her choices, and Anthony shows his support by saying that whatever decision she makes, just make sure it’s what she really wants.

When Shana arrives, Jerrica, Kimber, and Aja greet her and congratulate her on a job well done. But Shana isn’t quick to abandon the Holograms. When she asks what they’ll do about her absence, her bandmates seem unusually excited to replace her and mention they’ll conduct a talent search. Shana takes this badly and assumes the rest of the Holograms want her out of the band, so she runs up stairs, crying.

Later that evening, Julian arrives at 6pm to pick Shana up. On the way out, Shana takes one last look at her band mates and gives them an opportunity to say that they want her to stay. Jerrica reassures her that they’ll conduct a talent search, and pushes Shana out of the door. Shana is upset and confides in Anthony on the way to Liz Stratton’s place. It’s like the Holograms’ couldn’t get rid of her fast enough. What’s strange is that when Shana first heard the news about the talent search, she was crying and ran upstairs, then suddenly there’s a gap of time that’s lost, and it seems clear that none of her friends tried to console her and explain they just want to be supportive of her endeavours. How could Jerrica be so tone deaf as to just send Shana on her way, when clearly she was upset?

Cut to Starlight Mansion, Jerrica, Kimber, and Aja are feeling sad about having to come down hard on Shana, but they admit it’s because they want what’s best for her. They don’t believe Shana would have left, because of her extreme loyalty to the band, even if it means not pursuing her dream.

The talent search begins when the Holograms start promoting the fact that they’re looking for a new drummer. Radio stations, TV shows, and record stores are all aware of the talent search, and the Misfits are furious about their free publicity when they get word. Pizzazz is seen having tantrum, yet again, but Eric Raymond has a plan to help the Misfits get back on top: A new Misfit! At first, Pizzazz and Roxy reject the idea that they need a new member to “horn in” on their act, but Stormer thinks it’s a great idea. Stormer is confident that a fourth member would add a fuller sound and make their music more complex. Eric preys on Roxy’s ego and states that she’s probably worried because they’ll find someone better than her.

The Misfits are exhausted after being to over ten clubs and having no success at finding a new member, but they’ve struck gold when they walk past another venue with a band poster reading: “The Tinkerbillys.” An incredible saxophone is heard from outside, so the Misfits decide to check it out. Inside we get to meet Jetta, who will be the new addition to the Misfits. Not only does Jetta have talent, but she seems to have just the right attitude that is a perfect match for the Misfits.

Cut to a Misfits music video: “I Like Your Style”.

Pizzazz and Stormer are behind the idea of having Jetta as the new Misfit, but Roxy doesn’t want any part of it. Too bad for Roxy though, because majority rules. There’s one problem though, Jetta doesn’t have a work permit to legally work in the United States, but according to Pizzazz, her father’s lawyers will take care of that (how?).

Elsewhere, Aja hands out another batch of flyers to a local music store. There’s a loud sound coming from the back room, and when Aja investigates, she finds Craig Phillips, a talented drummer who’s only in town to visit his sister. Aja asks if he’s looking for work, but Craig brushes her off. Aja tells him the Holograms are only looking for serious players, but when she walks away and Craig realizes which band she’s from, he quickly changes his tune.

Carmen Alonso, aka Raya, a shy but talented young woman, discovers that the Holograms are in search for a new drummer. Her father suggests she enters the contest.

At Starlight Music, we see Jem, Kimber, Aja, and Rio, conducting auditions. There’s a massive line up outside the building, and everyone is already exhausted as the sheer volume of bad drummers they’ve auditioned. Raya is in line waiting to be auditions, but after being overwhelmed by the amount of people all vying for the job, she gives up and goes home.

Cut to Liz Stratton, who is reviewing Shana’s latest fashion designs. It turns out Liz is extremely difficult to work with, as she not only rejects all of her work, but demands her to redo it all by the next day. Anthony walks and expresses his powerlessness, because Liz is the producer and calls the shots.

Raya gets a pep talk from her dad and says she must believe in herself. He grabs her and they rush off to the auditions to see if there’s still a chance to get in. When they arrive, there’s a sign being posted on the front doors of Starlight Music that auctions have ended for the day. Raya is dismayed and said there’s no chance now, but her father doesn’t give up. Raya’s father takes some flowers from the delivery truck and makes up an excuse that he has a special delivery for Jem and the Holograms–what better way to sneak in and ask for a chance to audition? Jem tells Raya’s father that they’ll have to come back tomorrow, but when he tells her that Raya is shy and that he’ll never get her to come back again, Jem decides to give her a chance to audition.

Cut to Jem and the Holograms Music video: “Believe In Yourself”.

After an impressive audition where Jem and the Holograms jump in and jam with her, it’s clear they have some chemistry together. Raya is invited to the semi finals, but when they leave, her father realizes he left his flowers behind. When Raya goes back to get the flowers, she eaves drops on the conversation and ends up discovering Jem’s true identity.

The following day, Craig Phillips auditions for job at Starlight music.

Cut to Jem and the Hologram’s music video: “I Got My Eye On You”.

Jem and the Holograms have chosen eight semi finalists. The band decides to put a private party together to get to know each of the individuals, since personal chemistry is as important as talent in a musical group. Unfortunately, the party is rudely interrupted by one of the semi finalists, when she harasses Raya and berates her abilities. The Holograms witness this and kick her out, but not before the damage is done and Raya is brought to tears. Jem consoles Raya and tells her not to listen to any spiteful comments, since she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t have a real chance.

Jem: We want talent, not conceit.

The Misfits hold a press event to announce the newest member of the band: Jetta. One of the reporters makes a mistake by asking if she’s so famous, then why hasn’t he heard of her. Jetta retaliates and tells the reporter that he clearly has been living under a rock (and calls him a “Yank,” to boot).

The Holograms hold their own press conference, to announce the latest round of semi finalists, and they are: Craig Phillips and Raya Alonso.

At Misfits Music, Pizzazz is reading the latest issue of “POP Scene” magazine, but she isn’t happy when the announcement about the Misfits newest member is placed right next to an advertisement for underwear. Craig Phillips and Jetta Alonso adorn the cover of the magazine, and Stormer looks shocked as if she recognizes Craig. Stormer runs off and Eric plans on trying to bring Raya to Misifts Music. In exchange for a record contract deal, he asks her to find out who Jem’s real identity.

Duration: 54:37:00

Present: Alex, Aleen.

Episode Links

[Episode 27: “The Talent Search: Part 1”][The Talent Search: PT1]
“I Like Your Style”
“Believe In Yourself”
“I Got My Eye On You”
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Download: Episode 27: “The Talent Search: Part 1”

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