Facebook’s newly announced Graph Search, the implication of privacy on the internet, Facebook charging to message people you’re not friends with, the results of the simulated mission to Mars, the plan to launch inflatable sections for the International Space Station, the news surrounding Apple cutting down it’s iPhone 5 screen order, and also Microsoft replacing MSN Messenger with Skype.

Meanwhile, Jelly rants about unimportant Apple announcements being blown out of proportion, and the boys imagine how awesome the inflatable sections of the space station will be. Also Brandon keeps ringing a gong (or rather, smacking his leg against the table). It’s all fun and games on this episode!

Facebook’s newly announced Graph Search, the implication of privacy on the internet, Facebook charging to message people you’re not friends with, the results of the simulated mission to Mars, the plan to launch inflatable sections for the International Space Station, the news surrounding Apple cutting down it’s iPhone 5 screen order, and also Microsoft replacing MSN Messenger with Skype.

Meanwhile, Jelly rants about unimportant Apple announcements being blown out of proportion, and the boys imagine how awesome the inflatable sections of the space station will be. Also Brandon keeps ringing a gong (or rather, smacking his leg against the table). It’s all fun and games on this episode!

Show notes:Facebook's Graph SearchPrivacy Settings You Must Change Before Using Facebook Graph SearchThis Instagram-Street View Mash-Up Is a Stalker's Wet DreamFacebook testing $100 fee to mail Mark ZuckerbergMission to MarsNASA eyes inflatable space craft for International Space Station (The Australian)NASA planning to launch inflatable addition to the ISS (The Verge)Apple Cuts Orders for iPhone Parts (Wall Street Journal)Yes, Apple Is Cutting Down iPhone 5 Orders Without Explanation (Gizmodo)Why The WSJ Got The 'iPhone Demand Is Crashing' Story All Wrong (Forbes)Microsoft to shutter Windows Live Messenger (MSN) ServiceMicrosoft To Replace Xbox Live Chat With Skype