Disney announces solo Star Wars films for young Han Solo and Boba Fett, Google Glass and the future of wearable computing, Google’s plans to open retail stores, and the details from the announcement of the Playstation 4, including their plans for implementing streaming technology and new (and sometimes creepy) social additions.

Meanwhile, Jelly accidentally discovers a new way to do the show intro, and mimics one of the speakers from the Playstation keynote. Also, the boys plan to play Playstation 4 while recording an episode. NOTHING WILL STOP THEM!

Disney announces solo Star Wars films for young Han Solo and Boba Fett, Google Glass and the future of wearable computing, Google’s plans to open retail stores, and the details from the announcement of the Playstation 4, including their plans for implementing streaming technology and new (and sometimes creepy) social additions.

Meanwhile, Jelly accidentally discovers a new way to do the show intro, and mimics one of the speakers from the Playstation keynote. Also, the boys plan to play Playstation 4 while recording an episode. NOTHING WILL STOP THEM!

Show notes:Young Han Solo and Boba Fett Films (Slash Film)Google GlassGoogle focuses on fashion with Glass (The Verge)This Is the Secret of the Google Glasses Skydiving Demonstration (Gizmodo)Google Retail Stores (Ars Technica)PlayStation 4 Tech Specs Revealed (The Verge)Everything We Know About the PlayStation 4 (Game Informer)Next PlayStation Console Will Reportedly Stream PlayStation 3 Games (Game Informer)