to hear this direct from Malcolm Bricklin is a treat in itself. whether you were into this car, or into cars, or just into amazingly persistent and creative people....this is a must watch or listen  


6:37 Malcolm: "Now things are going really good with Subaru. I'm hearing all this stuff about safety. And they're talking about putting rules that you have a five mile an hour bumper with no damage to the car, and the car companies are fighting it like crazy, because at five miles an hour, you get a couple $1,000. But the damage, that's parts and service the dealer can make. That's parts that the factories can sell. So they were fighting it."  

7:22 Malcolm: "I am going to build a gorgeous car is going to be the safest production car in the world."  

10:29 Malcolm: "Instead of two cents, gonna cost me a couple million dollars to get my prototypes" 

14:22 Malcolm: "nobody will give me the door I want"  

16:36 Mr. Bricklin, we have a problem. American Motors said they are not going to sell those engines.  

20:17 Is it possible to get the 351 Windsor? 

22:25 Mr. Bricklin we have a serious problem. Yeah, what's the problem? I'm in Scottsdale. I've been driving the car in 114 degree heat. I came out and the acrylic body is on the floor. 

26:51 46,000 backorders.   

31:45 (politician) "I'm closing it down".  

24:10 they did a musical about it. BRICKLIN AN AUTOMOTIVE FANTASY