In today’s episode, I explain how Facebook’s information cordon led to the viability of Wellcome Leap’s injection-based therapeutics platform.

The pandemic has normalized us to routine injection. This routine injection presents a platform for Wellcome Leap to deliver therapeutics such as psychiatric drugs and cancer prevention treatments.

Is this bad or good? Personally, I like the option of new drugs. But having a plethora of innovative mRNA-based treatments developed in an atmosphere of high-pressure, borderline compulsory injection is deeply unsettling.

What I am concerned with most is the criminally misaligned economics: a primary investor in Wellcome Leap is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

From the beginning of the pandemic, Bill Gates had direct incentive to promote an iron-fisted vaccine regime. Incentives are not proof of ill will, but they are important to disclose.

From the early days of the 2020 pandemic outbreak, Bill Gates was our trusted paragon. We followed as he instructed us. Today, we find ourselves in a regime that pressures us to get our first vaccine using un-American concepts such as vaccine cards, and then follows up that first vaccine with a booster shot every 6 months.

I understand that many people think this is OK, and healthy, and maybe even “next gen”. But you must be aware of this: Bill Gates has an incentive to get you to take a shot in the arm every 6 months.

How does Facebook factor in? Zuckerberg and Gates have had a longstanding friendship, in addition to collegiate ties through their shared alma-mater Harvard. Facebook and Microsoft have shown a reluctance to enter each other’s markets, most notably in the case of cloud computing.

Zuckerberg’s whole ideology is based on falsehood and IP theft, so it is no surprise he loves synthetic, compulsory medicine.

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