NBA Finals with Greg Foster. John is off this week partying birthday style! Alan and Devin are joined by special guest Greg Foster. No, not THAT Greg Foster. This is not former Utah Jazz player, Greg Foster who Alan describes as a fiery redhead (*he got his wires crossed. It’s actually Adam Keefe that was the […]

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NBA Finals with Greg Foster.

John is off this week partying birthday style! Alan and Devin are joined by special guest Greg Foster. No, not THAT Greg Foster. This is not former Utah Jazz player, Greg Foster who Alan describes as a fiery redhead (*he got his wires crossed. It’s actually Adam Keefe that was the fiery redhead). No, this is Greg Foster (@Johnny_UT), a friend of the program and NBA writer for Topics include: What the Utah Jazz did in the draft, George Hill and his anticipated impact, the NBA Finals, and the Legacy of LeBron James.  Greg offers his perspective on LBJ and rants and raves about The King.

Greg also shares his favorite movie and TV show.

Send us your thoughts: @jediandjerms@jermsguy@jedizaugg, and @TornByDevin. Email us: [email protected]

The post Jedi & Jerms Episode 72: NBA Finals with Greg Foster appeared first on TornBySports.

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