I’ve been trying to get EDUARDO SANCHEZ on the podcast for about a year and realistically I’ve wanted to speak to him most of my adult life. THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT is not only one of the best horror films ever made, but for me, it’s probably the most influential.

It was a total joy deep-diving into The Blair Witch Project with the guy who made it and it was really interesting to learn its effects on the rest of Ed’s career and Horror as a whole. We find out what Eduardo would have done if he got a chance to make a prequel and his very own sequel!

If you enjoyed the episode, please spread the word and perhaps rate, review and subscribe if you haven’t already done.

You can find Eduardo HERE and you can find me HERE.

I’ve been trying to get EDUARDO SANCHEZ on the podcast for about a year and realistically I’ve wanted to speak to him most of my adult life. THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT is not only one of the best horror films ever made, but for me, it’s probably the most influential.

It was a total joy deep-diving into The Blair Witch Project with the guy who made it and it was really interesting to learn its effects on the rest of Ed’s career and Horror as a whole. We find out what Eduardo would have done if he got a chance to make a prequel and his very own sequel!

If you enjoyed the episode, please spread the word and perhaps rate, review and subscribe if you haven’t already done.

You can find Eduardo HERE and you can find me HERE.

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