Today's short story is from a prolific author of acclaimed short fiction, Edward M. Lerner. I have the pleasure of reading Edward's short story, The Torchman's Tale, which can be found in his anthology, The Best of Edward M. Lerner. Edward has also just released his latest novel, On the Shoals of Space-Time.

On Edward’s website, it is written Edward is the perpetrator of science fiction and techno-thrillers. While you probably know Edward from his SF novels, including the InterstellarNet series and the epic Fleet of Worlds series with Larry Niven, Ed is a prolific author of acclaimed short fiction. The Best of Edward M. Lerner showcases his finest and favorite shorter works.

Edward is a physicist and computer scientist. After thirty years in the industry, working at every level from individual technical contributor to senior vice president, he now writes full-time. In addition to science fiction and technothrillers, he also writes popular science, notably including Trope-ing the Light Fantastic: The Science behind the Fiction. Edward is the recipient of the Canopus Award, a Hugo finalist for best novelette Championship B’tok; Fate of Worlds (with Larry Niven) was a Locus Award finalist, and many more.

Here is the link to my interview with Edward in season 4, Edward M. Lerner interview, as well as Edward's website.

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