Jacqui Cooper (@JCooperTravels) speaks with Nate Clayberg, CEcD, founder of Career Adventure Academy.  Nate shares how his 20+ years of leadership experience in Business, Organizational, and Program Development allowed him to create the Academy to provide guidance to youth & their families on how to choose their career path.

Nate has a proven track record of leading economic development programs to achieve growth goals & exceed revenue targets. He developed Career Adventure brand to be the cornerstone career mapping program for students and aspiring professionals facing quarter life crisis.  He shares how he "guides  students to envision their future so that they can navigate a pathway to purposeful life beyond education. Today businesses need a solid workforce pipeline. Developing mutually beneficial relationships between the business community students, student-athletes and those facing quarter-life career challenges. This is key to economic development growth. By providing tools, coaching and consulting to assist with career path navigation to arrive the destination that fits you personally"  You can contact Nat at nateclayberg.com/discover or by emailing him at [email protected]

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