Jacqui Cooper (@JCooperTravels) speaks with Vatrice Chestnut, Publisher, East Potomac River Living, about how to develop your brand with East Potomac River Living &  how businesses can find new customers in their local communities through print media.  Vatrice discusses how this model of sponsorship is different from advertising.  To contact Vatrice, reach out to her at  affinitymediaconsulting.com | 202.715.2573 x700.  She is able to assist customers looking to build their brand with affluent  homeowners in the Palisades, Berkley, and Foxhall Village neighborhoods.  They understand branding and sponsorships create long-term business  growth.

Remember.... whether you are a family of one or more you might find an attorney can help you whether to prevent an issue or to help fix an issue. Contact Jacqui for a complimentary consult to see the services an attorney can help you with.   https://cooperjacqueline825.wearelegalshield.com/

Email Jacqui at jco[email protected] for more information.