Podcast Description: Paul Hemphill, Author, Speaker, Vet, discusses his new way of teaching American History to Empower Students with the use of videos.

Episode Description:  Paul discusses how he provide schools with a proprietary video-oriented, story-telling program that generates useful life-lessons to inspire teens to become better persons and better citizens. In effect, I make American history teachers the most important teachers in any school system.  He is a speaker, author, and videographer. His in-school program helps teens recognize their own leadership ability, the benefits of a strong character, and the necessary ingredients for daily success. He  use stories from an American historical event to demonstrate their valuable life lessons.  He has written 3 motivational books and 2 books on college planning,  He has produced over 50 videos on life lessons, over 200 videos on college admission and financing, as well as narrating 3 audiobooks.  He has a degree in philosophy, received the Bronze Star Medal and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while in the US Army.  To reach Paul & discuss his educational program for your school or network: 1-508-520-6642. Or, email at [email protected]

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