Jacqui Cooper (Host: #JCooperTravels & #CryptoMom2) speaks with Jon O'Sullivan (Head of Business Development, Project Ark & Carbonbase) about how individuals can make a difference with a click of a button.  Jon & Jacqui speak about the development of a Green Metaverse to help fund projects protecting our planet.  Project Ark's Impact NFTs support conservation and the protection of natural resources.

To speak with Jacqui email her at [email protected].  To learn more about the blockchain projects, connect with her at https://cryptomom2.com/

#ProjectArk is an innovative new blockchain-powered conservation platform built in partnership between Carbonbase and the leading international organization #World Wildlife Fund ( #WWF ) #Panda Labs. They have created an online marketplace for rare digital collectibles or NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), which directly fund animal and environmental conservation efforts around the world.



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