Mark Smith, the Creator of the Dream Racers, talks about how Nascar has helped children make their dreams come true when they visit hospitals across the country.   The racers allow children to find courage during their stay at hospitals.  

After spending my career building race cars for Nascar, the Children’s Dream Racer is my dream that has come to fruition. This race car is the real deal as each car is hand built with steel and welded.

Dream Racer’s are a toy and tool simultaneously, helping children to lift their spirits while enhancing hand-eye coordination. You can see the smiles and energy level rise as children play with the amenities and regain their physical strength.

Out of over 1,100 children’s hospitals in the USA, we have placed 84 from the generous donations of many individuals, groups, and corporations. Your gift is 100% tax deductible and comes in your colors, logos, graphics & lifetime advertising and placed in the hospital of your choice. We believe every children’s hospital needs a Dream Racer, and some have as many as 4 Dream Racers.

Learn more at to see what you can do to help get these racers to kids that need them

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