Whether you are required to do a staycation because of current events or whether you would just like to disconnect & recenter, your staycations can become vacations & rejuvenate your energy.  

I know we are in a rotating staycation... so let's make our staycation a vacation.  On vacations we go for adventure, relaxing, family time, & new experiences.   On this podcast, I share ways to transform your staycation into a vacation.  

One tip I forgot to mention when you are on your staycation/vacation, be sure to disconnect.  One thing that helps us to truly relax when we go away is the  opportunity to disconnect from our everyday life. Turn off text notifications, emails, and social media  especially if they are connected to work. If the temptation is too high,  just turn off your phone. This will help you to begin your  relaxation at home. The only people you should be connecting with  are the ones you would connect with if you were halfway around the  world.

We will be traveling soon but for the moment, let's turn our staycation into a relaxing get-away.

As I mention on my podcast, to create a feeling of being on vacation during your staycation,  find new coffees, teas & spa like items to recreate the similar experiences you would have enjoyed during your staycation.  To help me transform my staycation & focus on fitness, I enjoy ordering coffee, protein bars & other wellness items.   


If you enjoy wines delivered to your home during this staycation, visit https://igobuum.com/#/  Enter Free Code 666755 to access travel discounts up to 35%.& truly affordable wine club to enjoy both local & European wines.

Happy travels!

Thank you so much for being part of my JCooperTravels podcast journey.  Please subscribe to the podcast & follow along on my YouTube Channel as well.

I have created a JCooperTravels Podcast Member Bonus Area.  Be sure to check out the free offers & exclusive discounts as a result of our sponsors and other interested businesses.   https://jcooper.biz/jcooperbonuses

Let me know what topics you would like me to share with you.



Jacqui Cooper

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5H2CChosYrWbAGzdMAdadQ?view_as=subscriber


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