Jacqui Cooper (JCooperTravels) speaks with Richard Bowling about the twists and turns of his career & how he is now helping solo-entrepreneurs become as successful as he is.  

Questions To Ask Yourself:

 How do I know if I need coaching or not in my career, business or life? 

1. Do you hesitate to take action because you haven’t made a clear decision?

2. Do you feel less confident that you can complete your bigger goals? 

3. Are you unsure about the deeper motivations behind your goals? 

4. Do you feel out of alignment with the direction in which you are now heading? 

5. Do you feel like the answers are inside you, and almost within your reach, but you just need something to get to them? If you answered yes to ANY of the five questions, you may want to consider finding a coach.

Are you an engineer or professional who feels frustrated, unmotivated, or stuck in your current corporate career? It's quite possible you have a larger mission seeking to express itself as an entrepreneur, and you already have a wealth of specialized knowledge to support that vision.

But the thought of leaving your secure corporate position terrifies you. You remember the scene in the MATRIX where NEO has the choice to be taken into custody by the agents, or to walk out on the ledge to escape.

Learn more by listening to Richard's story on the podcast & by visiting his website https://AmarNeo.com ]

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