Jacqui Cooper (@JCooperTravels) speaks with Zoya Qureshi about her dreams to become involved in the public health area with a global focus.  Zoya's interests include medicine, international healthcare, women's leadership, storytelling and narrative, and melding ideas from all of those fields together into one podcast 

 Zoya has been anUndergraduate Researcher at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai: Conducted research in the neuroplasticity lab of Dr. Hirofumi Morishita, MD, PhD in Mount Sinai, exploring the neuronal expression pattern of antibodies Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 in Fragile X, Lynx1KO, and wild type mouse lines in a pilot experiment to determine potential deficits existing in Fragile X syndrome; responsible for all immunohistochemistry, tissue prep, and image analyses.   As well as - Conducted cortical state research in the neuroscience lab of Dr. Michael Crair, PhD in the Yale School of Medicine. I investigated the relationship between pupil diameter and cortical state before eye opening in neonatal mice. 

 To contact Zoya email her at [email protected] 

 To contact Jacqui email her at [email protected]

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