Jacqui Cooper (@JCooperTravels) speaks with Justin Rowell about his digital marketing company & how he is dedicated to helping others succeed in their efforts to promote their local businesses online.  Based in Kentucky he shares information about his local community for those wishing to visit and travel to Kentucky.

To connect with Justin email him at [email protected].  His website is https://digitalcarnage.org/

His focus is: Content Marketing · Social Media Marketing · Search Engine Optimization (SEO) · Web Design · Digital Marketing · Lead Generation · Advertising · WordPress Design · Search Engine Marketing (SEM) · Marketing Consulting

To explore ClickFunnels & learn how Jacqui is networking, email her at [email protected]

https://www.funnelchallenge.com?cf_affiliate_id=2517824&affiliate_id=2517824 - Be sure to check out the ClickFunnel 30 day challenge that can make you an expert in funnel creation in 30 days.