Trust is the foundation of every successful relationship - business and personal. And it's something that not all businesses truly understand.

Today's story comes from Joe Manausa, a real estate agent that Jay interviewed for Youtility for Real Estate (coming out this fall).  Joe is a real estate agent, but has offered a free ebook on how to sell your home on your own. 

It may seem counterintuitive at first, but showing people all the reasons NOT to hire you by providing free information is the perfect way to get them TO hire you. Get the ebook here:

Today's Sprout Social shout out goes to Chris Brogan. Chris is the king of reinvention, always finding ways to step up his game and offer something useful to his audiences. His new book, The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth, is available now:

Jay Today ( is a video podcast with 3-minute lessons and commentary on business, social media and digital marketing from New York Times best-selling author and venture capitalist Jay Baer. Join Jay daily for insights on trends, quick tips, observations and inspiration. The show is sponsored and produced by Candidio (, a simple and affordable video production company, and Sprout Social (, a social media management and analytics company that Jay uses for much of his social media every day.