When are companies going to learn that nickel and diming their customers isn't going to work in the long haul? 

For a 5 year period, I spent 100 nights per year in the same room at a Marriott hotel in Phoenix. I was there so often, in fact, that the manager invited me to his going away party when he switched jobs.

But I've recently learned that Marriott has petitioned to have all outside wireless connections banned in their hotels because, as they say, they're worried about people hacking their systems.

We all know, however, that it's because they want to charge for their wifi instead of letting customers access it for free. On the other hand, other major hotel brands are now offering FREE wifi because they realize that wifi isn't an amenity. It's a basic right to customers. 

It reminds me of a few months ago when I was at Disney and they were charging per refill of soda. This is ridiculous. You're treating your customers like cattle. Enough of this. You won't see me at a whole lot of Marriotts in 2015, that's for sure.

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Today's Sprout Social shout out is for Shel Holtz (http://twitter.com/shelholtz), an amazing author and marketer who wrote a fantastic blog post about this wifi issue and made me aware of it. You can read the post here: http://holtz.com/blog/blog/an-open-le...


Candidio (http://candidio.com), a simple and affordable video production company. Follow @candidio on Twitter. 

Sprout Social (http://sproutsocial.com), a social media management and analytics company that Jay uses for much of his social media every day. Follow @sproutsocial on Twitter.


Jay Today is a video podcast with 3-minute lessons and commentary on business, social media and digital marketing from New York Times best-selling author and venture capitalist Jay Baer. Join Jay daily for insights on trends, quick tips, observations and inspiration at http://bit.ly/JayToday.

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