Captain Mustache, Part the Second. (Excalibur #115)

In which Marvel UK was a wild ride; everyone has a definitive Kitty Pryde; Sari St. Hubbins studies her X-Men; Moira MacTaggert discovers contagion theory; ideas do not stories make; Meggan is the heart of the team; and Excalibur inches towards its finale.

Marvel UK
Excalibur #114-117
What Excalibur's been up to
Tunnels vs. sewers
An unexpected callback
The mutability of Kitty Pryde
Sari St. Hubbins
One way to get around a power inhibitor
A frosted tips outline
Phalanx love
A substantial retcon
Excalibur vs. the Sidri
Marvel characters' musical associations
Whether there have been more X-Men or Avengers

NEXT EPISODE: Kitty Pryde goes to work for The Man

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