This week we covered:


TSMC will produce 3nm chips this year and Apple has already grabbed them all - feed the Cupertino magic factory!

TSMC was fully booked but now auctioning spare capacity - where did they find the excess capacity?

Kaspersky says hackers made a mint during the COVID pandemic and will take a break - gotta spend the loot somewhere?

SITA confirms that Airline passenger data accessed in hack - OH SITA!

US National Security Council urges review of Exchange servers following attacks - not to be outdone by the Solarwinds hack, here's another one!

John McAfee in US indictment over pump+dump Crypto scheme - is anyone really shocked?

Stalkers won’t be able to track you with AirTags - no creepy stalking via the Find My app!

Google confirms that NEXT21 event will take place in October - place your bets now on the format!

NASA Perservence rover powered by IBM PowerPC CPU - old but still reliable!

Apple Store lists the iMac Pro base model as available while supplies last,’ hinting it’s being discontinued - could a Mx powered version be on the way?


Wreckfest - Demolition Derby for the 21st Century

As always we'd love to hear what you think!