This week we covered:


Apple Extends Apple TV subscription again - Is there a subscriber conversion problem?
Corellium makes its iOS virtualisation available to individuals - fancy some virtual iPhones?
Looks like the Huawei Ban isn’t going away anytime soon - No change in China relations
Hackers publish Gov files after Ransom is refused - We do not negotiate with Terrorists/hackers
Apple unveils new Fitness+“Time to Walk” activity - These boots were made for walking!
Apple Watch saves kidnapped woman - A first!
Alphabet is shutting down the Loon Internet service - someone popped that balloon!
LG considers exiting smartphones in 2021 - is the market too crowded?
Weeks later, Google still hasn’t added privacy labels to its most popular iPhone apps

Update  on the story from last week


Jay has got his HomePod Minis!


Hitman 3 first thoughts
Hitman Dev’s Bond Project could end up being a Trilogy
Cyberpunk 2077 1.1 Patch - fix or bust?

As always please let us know your thoughts in the comments!