For the Beginners with Aimee Knight, Tim Dorr, and Max Stoiber

We're going to talk about when we were beginners, some of the things we wished we knew, some of our biggest early days goofs, our suggestions for newbies, etc. We'll also talk about making the community open to newbies/what can be done to increase this.

Show - Bite-sized web development video training
Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
SparkPost - Email. We've Got It Down.
WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next

Links, Picks, and Tips:
Tim DorrLinks: LOGO programming and Unreal Engine
Tips: Contribute to project docs!
Picks: Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby (POODR), Webpack Preset, Lady Dynamite on Netflix, and Keto (ketosis/ketogenic) diet

Aimee KnightPicks: You Don’t Know JS, Operation Code, Newbie Remote Conf, and Grokking Algorithms

Max StoiberLinks: Carte Blanche
Tips: You don't have to be Dan or Ryan to get a job
Picks: DLLPlugin and LookUp app

Scott MossTips: Try to use npm scripts directly for your next project and not a build tool like gulp
Picks: Overwatch

Kent C. DoddsLinks: JavaScript and Robots with Raquel Vélez
Tips: Learn one new thing every day (#eggheadADay) and The learning workflow: Consume, Build, Teach
Picks: react-html-email and aphrodite

Brian LonsdorfTips: Learn the language, learn the paradigms, then learn the libraries/frameworks and es5 is still huge. Perhaps start there and learn es2015 after.
Picks: Orlando Shooting GoFundMe, YOW Lambda Jam 2016 talks, and Functional JavaScript

Pam SelleLinks: The Mess We’re In (talk by Joe Armstrong)
Tips: Beginners: Don’t stay stuck for more than 15 minutes. Ask for help!
Picks: Nand2Tetris, Nand2Tetris on Coursera, and Beyond the Resume: How to Get Your Next Job as a Developer

Kyle SimpsonLinks: Software Engineering Daily podcast, episode with Kyle Simpson
Tips: Everyone: take a walk every single day, and replace one drink a day with water and Beginner Devs: write your code as simply and verbosely as possible, to explain your thinking (or lack of it!) clearly. Don’t just emulate the clever code you see from others.
Picks: SimpleHTTP2Server and demo, Brotli compression, and You Don’t Know JS, specifically Up & Going

Dan AbramovPicks: A re-introduction to JavaScript, Understanding ES6, Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years, On Spectrum of Abstraction, Making JavaScript Initialize Faster, HtmlWebpackPlugin, and Babel Plugin Handbook

About JavaScript Air:
JavaScriptAir is the live broadcast podcast all about JavaScript hosted by instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the JavaScript Air website ( to see upcoming and past episodes. Go to to suggest topics and guests for the show. Go to to provide feedback on this and other episodes. Also be sure to follow JavaScript Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.

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