I am pleased to welcome my personal friend and fellow psychic, Tara Floyd to assist with call-ins for the show tonight.  I deeply appreciate having Tara on the show.  Her website is divinemothergoddess.com.  

YOU CAN CALL INTO THE SHOW BY DIALING (347) 989-1206.   QUESTIONS?  EMAIL: [email protected]

I can’t believe it is almost a year since our initial lockdown associated with COVID-19 and the Pandemic. Establishing and hosting this Podcast has helped me in countless ways to get through some uncertainty in my life.  After meditating recently, I was inspired by the idea of hosting additional airtime dedicated to evening call-in episodes Monday-Thursday to offer free psychic readings and intuitive advice to the public and to members of our audience.   

Have you lost a loved one or been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic?   We are truly all in this together and our support for one another is more critical than ever before!    I want to experiment with this idea and see how things go over the next 30 days with four live nightly episodes each week.    So, until further notice, you can find me on this platform Monday-Thursday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST.