Special Hybrid Format For Programming Tonight:  1) First 30-Minutes of the show, Special Guest Dr. Arthorine Walker ([email protected]) Discusses "The Hurt From Within: A Self Help Book."  2) Second 30-Minutes of the show, we will continue with "Socialize with Jason Zuk: Free psychic readings with the audience."  I really believe in synchronicity or the idea that certain things line up for a reason that is likely larger than we realize in our 3d world.  I am switching up the format for tonight’s show to introduce a special guest, Dr. Arthorine Walker and I hope that you enjoy what we are about to discuss.  I was introduced to Dr. Walker through my older brother Jamie Ciofalo, a previous special guest on our show.  When my brother highly recommended Dr. Walker to discuss her background and achievements I knew that I had to invite her on the show.   

Originally from Jamaica, Dr. Walker has held many jobs, beginning as a housekeeper, and continuing her education by obtaining two masters degrees and a doctorate degree.  Dr. Walker currently holds her position as a special education teacher at Dwight Morrow High School in Englewood, NJ.   What I want to do tonight is present Dr. Walker in a way that few get to see.   She has worked hard to not only elevate herself but she sacrificed in many ways to help her children and in my opinion her story emphasis our perpetual stride to pursue the ideals of the American Dream where we come to achieve and advance ourselves so that our posterity and others might benefit.   Dr. Walker has authored a book called, The Hurt From Within: A Self Help Book that addresses recent events associated with adjusting to our “new” normal from the pandemic and Covid 19.   To contact Dr. Walker, please email her at [email protected].