What do dreams mean?   Are they trying to tell us something about ourselves?   Can information from one's dream assist with psychic development or foretelling the future?    Jason Interviews Special Guest, Mimi Pettibone to discuss her prior life experience with Dream Interpretation, Dream Work and her Podcast, The Dream Detective.    Mimi has been curious about her dreams since an early age, and she has been working on interpreting one's dreams for the past thirty years.   Pettibone's background in dream work includes all sorts of interpretive methods including Dream Interviewing, Gestalt, Universal Themes, Parts Work, Shadow Work, and Dream Groups.   

She enjoys combining the best of these modalities into her own method called, Dream Detective Work, by connecting with images, seeing how they relate to waking life, and making informed decisions and changes based on the insights they provide.   All dreams have meaning, and understanding one's dreams is like solving a puzzle and Dream Detective Work can assist with placing the pieces together to create a refined understanding of one's dreams.   Insight from one's dreams can help us to connect our talents and life purpose, and assist us with finding, creating and developming healthy relationships with others.  They can strengthen our connection to our intuition and inner guidance.