Jason interviews Joanne Muir-Bodywork, Shamanic Healing, Sound Therapy & Life Events.    Joanne Muir’s life work in healing/bodywork / energy medicine encompasses 20+ years of experience inFascial release, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, Somato-emotional release, Verbal Process, and Sound Therapy.   She has also trained in many facets of Shamanic healing and energetic transformation.   Joanne holds a license in massage therapy and has a degree in Human Development from Eckerd College.   As her trainings brought her deeper perception and palpation skills, Joanne found the greatest teacher to be the physical and energetic bodies themselves and the wisdom they hold.  Through years of intensive training and experience, she has mastered the ability to tune into and work with the structural and subtle energy realms and the body’s cellular memory.   Muir states that "We all have the power to be our own healer, our own shaman."