Jason Interviews Dr. Bernie Siegel on his new book, Three Men Six Lives.  BERNIE S. SIEGEL, MD is a NY Times bestselling author, lecturer, founder of ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients) and a retired pediatric/general surgeon.   Bernie has been called a leading teacher of the Mind-Body Connection and is well known for his groundbreaking book Love, Medicine and Miracles.   Dr. Siegel is also the co-author with his grandson Charlie Siegel of their book of short writings and poetry When You Realize How Perfect Everything Is.   Today Bernie continues to impart wisdom about the true nature of life and love in his entertaining and enlightening debut fiction novel Three Men, Six Lives.  A grand adventure born of Bernie’s experience of his current and past lives awaits you.   When three conflicted men search for deeper meaning in their lives, through their sometimes painful and amusing explorations they discover there are no coincidences:

–Jon Hokmah, an empathetic psychotherapist

–George Dingfelder, a stressed-out Jewish physician 

–Carmine Birsamatto, an Italian crime boss who doesn’t deny he’s a racketeer.

Life begins to make sense when Jon attends a past life workshop held by the famed Dr. Brian Weiss and relives his past life trauma as a troubled teenage boy.  What he remembers steers the direction of his life and the lives of George and Carmine,   Join this unlikely trio as they learn that love not only heals, but it endures. Sometimes the paths in life that look like detours are just different ways to get to where we are meant to be all along.