Jason interviews Corbie Mitleid, Renowned Psychic Medium about her new book, The Psychic Yellow Brick Road: How to Find the Real Wizards and Avoid the Flying Monkeys.  Corbie is a Certified Professional Tarot Reader, Certified Psychic, trained medium and ordained minister.  Her work is showcased in Robert Schwartz’s breakthrough series, YOUR SOUL’S PLAN and YOUR SOUL’S GIFT, highlighting her ability to retrieve clients’ past lives in detail.   With over 40 years’ experience, Corbie has seen it all.  Why do some people have terrible experiences?  Why do they end up going from reader to reader, never finding what they need? Because they didn’t have a reliable GPS (Guide to Psychic Services) to take with them on their search.   Corbie's book, THE PSYCHIC YELLOW BRICK ROAD is your field guide to navigating the world of professional psychics: sharp, clear, and full of practical information for those who are intrigued by the idea of using intuitive assistance but have no idea where to start.   And whether you’re a first-time client or a veteran explorer of the metaphysical realms, you’ll find clear and useful information and suggestions to make every session with your intuitive a valuable one.

Corbie's Tarot Card Reader Code of Ethics:

