Jason Interviews Renowned Author Frank Joseph about his new book, Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials, The Real War of the Worlds.  Joseph was the editor in chief of Ancient American magazine from 1993 until 2007, and he is the author of several books, including Before Atlantis and Advanced Civilizations of Prehistoric America.   Joseph presents a comprehensive military history of armed confrontations between humans and extraterrestrials in the 20th and 21st centuries.   He explains how, with the development of atomic bombs and ballistic missiles, the frequency of extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs has increased dramatically.  Joseph documents incidents including the explosive demolition of U.S. munitions factories in 1916 by unearthly aerial vehicles, the Red Baron’s dogfight with a UFO during World War I, “foo fighter” sightings and battles with Allied and Axis combatants during World War II, and eye-witness reports from encounters during the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War in Iraq, and the ongoing hostilities in the Middle East.   He examines the evidence for the shoot-down of “flying saucers” at Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico, alien sabotage of nuclear weapons systems, and in-flight abductions of USAF and Soviet officers and airplanes.    Joseph explores the photo evidence for the Battle of Los Angeles, which occurred three months after Pearl Harbor, and the details of Operation Highjump, the U.S. Navy’s defeat in Antarctica by ET forces seventeen months after the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, while also uncovering evidence of secret Antarctic German bases.   Offering complete disclosure of the multitude of ET events over the past century, Frank Joseph gives us the first true reference book in the field of alien military encounters.