Jason Interviews Athena Demetrios about her new book, Walking Between Worlds: A Spiritual Odyssey.  Walking Between Worlds is a courageous and unvarnished revelation of a deeply painful--yet uplifting journey from darkness to light, a healing that would not have been possible without the extraordinary multi-dimensional spiritual experiences Demetrios opened herself to embrace.   For more than 30 years, Athena repressed the most traumatic memories of her childhood.  Raised in a dysfunctional and alcoholic environment, and terrorized by a repulsive border who lived in the root cellar bent on repeatedly raping a six-year old girl, Athena succumbed to a downward spiral of sadness and despair.  As a result of this deep pain, Athena began to discover a window into other worlds when as a teen, she saw her father in her bedroom doorway the night following his burial.   Now in her darkest hour, the teachings of St. Germain awakened Athena to the higher laws of the universe through a powerful spiritual experience.  As a result of counseling, Athena began to experience past lives, premonitions, visions and communication with those beyond the veil-each experience adding to her personal spiritual growth.  Guided by her mystical muse she calls Dr. James Martin Peebles with his thick Scottish brogue, Athena explored both earthly and cosmic mysteries.  Now ready to step out on her own, she studied how to become a channel herself, all the while slipping between worlds.  Today, she lives in Chico, California as a gifted, sought after medium and channel for Dr. Peebles.  This book will describe in detail the remarkable connection between these different realms.