Special Guest Margaret Mary O'Connor-Author, Speaker, Expert on Early History of the Catholic Church, Podcast Featured Expert on Topics on Catholicism
Margaret Mary O'Connor has a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Buffalo, and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, from Christ The King Seminary in East Aurora, NY, she is a former Chaplain and currently is a Eucharistic Minister. Our Guest literally walks the walk, on picket lines to help keep the issues of Women's Ordination and Church Accountability on the Priest Sexual Abuse Issue, at the forefront of any Catholic's attention, and she believes any Catholic, deserves at minimal at least the truth from Rome, as opposed to the continual out right deception they are receiving. She also is a member of Call to Action, Future Church, Roman Catholic Women Priests, Women's Ordination Conference, and SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests). Buffalo Central Terminal, Preservation Buffalo Niagara, Western NY Land Conservancy. Margaret Mary is the recipient of the Special Award for Achievement from the Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Course. She also enjoys Gardening, Pilates, and Reading Mystery Books.

Guest Website: http://www.yourradicaltruth.com
At her website: yourradicaltruth.com. Margaret offers Chapter Four of her book, free to read to members of our audience. There is also a petition regarding the issue of bringing Mary Priests title back into the Church, and for the hierarchy to finally address the issue of women's inequality in the Catholic Church today.

About the Book
To some, Church history might sound dry or even boring. With her book "Scandal in the Shadows" you will never view Church history as boring… ever again. Most people have preconceived thoughts of women becoming priests. Whatever beliefs you may have, you will soon realize things are not at all as they appear. The very shadow of women priest’s actual history is truly like a phantom from the shadows, residing within the graveyard of Papal records.

Its’ very voice having been lost for centuries, is now but a whisper wanting to be heard for today’s Catholics. Readers will discover skeletons in the closets of our Church’s past history. They will also uncover threads of early Church History, which very well might hold the answer to helping begin to solve our current priest shortage in the Catholic Church today. Most Catholics have never heard of Mary Mother of God and the Priesthood. Scandal in the Shadows not only reveals this deeply hidden secret, but for the reader’s, they will also learn about Mary attired in a chasuble and stole.

With each answer comes another question. Questions like, “What exactly precipitated not only this abrupt centuries old turnaround regarding the actual history of Mary Mother of God as Mary Priest, but this very move as so very disrespectful indeed, to one of the most credible woman priest of all time?” The hierarchy certainly does not see any women’s equality in our Church as even an issue today. What would restoring this previously lost heritage of women priests mean to your faith life today? Millions of Catholics are unaware of the past presence of Women Bishops, Women Deacons and Women Priests in their Church’s history. How could you know, when your own Church never disclosed the actual truth of this matter to you? Scandal in the Shadows explores why it is acceptable for Rome to betray the laity about the real past Church history.