Special Guest DayOneNotDayTwo: Artist, Activist and Entrepreneur. Our Special Guest is different than his name suggests: DayOneNotDayTwo found his sound during his 8-year prison sentence that he served at the age of 17. During his incarceration, Day One educated and empowered himself and others through his involvement with organizations like Lifers Public Safety Initiative, The Prison Legacy Project, Inside Out, MannUpp Program and Real Street Talk. Since his release, DayOneNotDayTwo has been connecting with young adults collaborating with organizations like the YASP Program and Care Not Control on initiatives aimed at ending youth incarceration.

His new album: My Father’s Chains is set to come out on Feburary 2nd. It is an unapologetic illustration of the margins of America. It sounds like a rebirth of HipHop. DayOneNotDayTwo curates a revolutionary experience blending militant melodies with metaphors that feel as if they sucker punched your soul. Our guest paints gritty pictures of resilience and rebellion narrating tales of terror and triumph while masterfully maneuvering an arsenal of flows. Every song has an empowering message that resonates with music lovers from all genres. This gives “My Father’s Chains” a sense of urgency as it is a cry for help as much as it is a warning.

For more information, @DayOneNotDayTwo, [email protected]